Monday, December 17, 2012

Tea, Tea, and lots of Tea for the daily tea party!

Well, if you hadn't noticed, tea is like the best thing in the world! "Why is that?" you might ask. Because it's good and good for ya! Tea is super awesome! Makes you feel refreshed and warm if it's a hot tea or cool if it's a cold tea! I found this tea recently called "Blooming Tea." It's awesome! Basically what it is, is a herbal flower that has tea leaves hand sewn to the flower and vacuum packed into ball form. When you go to brew your tea within 30 seconds a flower is unfolded from the ball releasing the flavors and colors into the water. It's amazing! 

Boston Tea Party

Ok.. It's time for a post. I spent a long time trying to figure out the perfect post idea.. And well. let's just say that I earn the real life achievement award for procrastination king. Anywho. I think I have an idea for a good first post.

For the longest time tea has played a huge part in society and the social upbringing of the world. Tea was drank by the ancients way back in the day. Tea was used a form of money during the roman empire in some areas because it was a rare item and thought to have disease curing properties, which is actually true by the way! Tea was also used in a higher class society known as the Royal Family in what is now known as Great Britain.It was a huge part in the social life in Britain. Then when the Pilgrims made their adventure to the New World they brought tea with them! Everyone drank tea! Even the Indians had tea that they shared with the Pilgrims  the nice ones that is. Tea also played a huge part in the upbringing of America! Boston Tea Party ring any bells? That is where the root of my love of tea comes from. The Boston Tea Party was my all time favorite part of history to study. That's how I got into tea. Tea has been man's best friend for a long time.