Monday, January 14, 2013

My Experience

     So far this has been a pretty fun experience. I never knew about what blogging was until I started this class. I had heard about it but didn't know what it was. And I'm impressed! My classmates and I have come up with some really cool blog ideas! Lot's of them are really interesting! And aside from that it has been a great learning experience for me! 
     I learned things about tea that I never knew before! From exactly how long you are supposed to let tea steep for to learning that the most expensive tea is made using panda poop! Needless to say this has been pretty cool and I think I just might attempt to keep posting things! 

1 comment:

  1. I indeed have learned a lot from your blog, for health reasons I cut back on caffeine and switch to tea. I have noticed a good change in my body, but i still miss my daily Rock-star.
